⬤ Casa Delle Agriculture - Agriculture, Utopias and Community
⬤ North-South Limburg in Translation - Correspondences between Neighbourhoords and Large-Scale Spatial Transformation
⬤ Acting Things VII - School of Fluid Measures
⬤ Dwelling with Seasonal Neighbours
⬤ Kolenspoor - Imagining 'Ecolony': the Role of Imagination in Repoliticising Spatial Change
⬤ Relational Design Practices in Belgium: the Office for Bureaucritic Imagination
⬤ Towards a Public Debate on Flemish Spatial Policy - Translating the Potential Leverage of the Fruit Track for the Region of Haspengouw
Luigi Coppola
Hannelore Goyens
Ciel Grommen
Liesbeth Huybrechts
Sarah Martens
Roel de Ridder
Jan Schreurs
Judith Seng
Jenny Stieglitz
Virginia Tassinari