Co-production Teatime is a prototype developed to support inquiry processes in co-production – the close collaboration and co-creation of knowledge between academic researchers and partners from industry and municipalities. In an attempt to bridge gaps between stakeholders with different interests, expectations and knowledge horizons, the teatime explores the use of artefacts and ritual in dialogue-based inquiry. The purpose is to prompt playful interactions, the sharing of diverse perspectives, and to deepen understanding about ways of co-producing. Co-production Teatime is developed within Laura Gottlieb’s PhD project, which uses a design-oriented research approach to explore creative and experiential ways to prompt inquiry in co-production.
In the situated action, participants from the conference are invited to partake in a short version of this teatime. The discussion will focus on challenges in co-production. The purpose is to share experiences with other researchers and to address areas for development and future research in co-production. The teatime will stimulate the senses as a means to trigger metaphors, reflection and discussions about this topic.
Project by Laura Gottlieb and Jennie Schaffer